It was like I had the fever this morning, except the fact that I hadn’t. It was just my body trying to remind me how it was to stay close to her, in a hug.

The war started months ago, even before she left. The red team had the best player on its side, a leader, who won almost all the matches of my life. Some of them after having lost so bad the firsts sets. People used to say about him: “He puts the heart on what he is doing”.

The blue team had the smartest player on its side, great support for his team, who scored some crucial points some time to time.

My role in all of it was just to hide the matches, keep count of the points and lying on who was winning. I have always been an unfair referee, since I was starting having some preferences for one of the two players. 

The other noticed that, so he decided to play dirty, and this is why I was disqualified. 

It was one day like the other. Outside, the weather was cloudy, low-level windy, rainy. The red team was getting some time to rest when the captain came to me to talk. He told me that he missed me, he missed the great things all together we were able to do, and he brought me a picture of her to show me the explosion of her smile pointing out that we were the cause.

I turned the picture, and it was signed “To you, heart, thoughts and D.

The heart decided to hug me, saying not to be scared because he would have always stood up for me, but also for her. Pushing me, right in the middle of my chest, he just disappeared inside somewhere. 

Every night, before to close my eyes,
Every morning, before to open my eyes,
this heart has some bags ready because, not so far, unfortunately not too close, somewhere, there is her and he belongs to there! 


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