
Here we are. This is a humble introduction for Yonder.

Why Yonder?

Yonder is an English word that means “at some distance, in the direction indicated” with the Italian translation into “dall’altra parte”. I guess this is the perfect name for my blog because all of you, whoever is reading my texts, is on the other side of a screen first, but also of all my words and paragraphs and thoughts.

What is Yonder?

Yonder is something that I really wanted for a long time, mainly for me. Yonder could be seen as a journey that I would like to share with all of you. First of all, Yonder started as a folder on my laptop where I used to keep what I wrote. Like most of the writers, I was jealous of my texts. However, when someone writes something, it does not belong to him anymore.

There are plenty of things I need to figure out about Yonder, starting from the big question: Italian/English? This is an easy question to answer. I am an Italian guy who lives in London and even though I would like my texts to be read by more than just Italian mother-tongue people, sometimes I feel more comfortable to write in Italian and not translate them. A literal translation would ruin the meaning of what is written.

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